Boxes of old photos, slides, or negatives laying around? Did you inherit slides, negatives, and old photos that you have to do something with?
Let me Help you preserve those images. Contact me for a FRee consultation.
Protect and preserve your memories by digitizing & organizing your photos into archival sleeves and boxes.
Scanning/archiving Of Photos
I will meet with you on a per hour basis to evaluate all of your boxes, bins, and envelopes of photos, slides, and negatives. Both positive (photos & slides) and negatives will be lightly cleaned.
Digital copies will be made, if possible, with metadata added.
Items will be organized into archival safe storage.
Digital correcting of color, blemishes, etc. is also available.
Photos or negative that are stuck together or otherwise damaged from poor storage or water damage will take additional processing.
Instructions on the proper handling and storage of items will be provided.
Digital images put on USB flash drive or external hard drive.
$50/hr, plus the cost of materials.
Working Sessions
For working sessions, I will work with you to sort through your photos, put together an organizational plan, provide options on a storage system, and label the materials. A 3-4 hour session can make a great deal of progress with us working together, without being overwhelming. We can schedule multiple sessions in a week, giving time to regroup and be productive. I will give guidance on the best way to store your photos, slides, and negatives in a way that they can be maintained as safely as possible.
Family History Organization
I will organize your materials in to archival safe storage.
Place data and documentation into a digital family tree program.
Organize hard copies into archival safe storage.
Label with appropriate standard genealogy documentation.
$50/hr, plus the cost of materials.
Ready to get started? Send me a message below, call me at 630-518-1257, or schedule a 30 minute consultation.